Audrey Austin

Audrey Austin
Proud to be a small town indie author

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Featured author this week is Albina Sabater from Providencia. Chile .......

Dear Audrey:

My name is Albina Sabater, and I am an experienced journalist, editor and writer. I also have the Italian nationality.
This is my book number 5. I wrote it first in Spanish and then in English, to get English language market (if possible).


May I tell you what it is about?


When preparing a trip to Europe with her daughter, a journalist receives an email from a so-called Gabriel Engel: “Go and get the Letters that Christ has sent to 21st century mankind”. The daughter, a young and skeptical psychologist, thinks the message is a virus or, at least, a joke.

Nevertheless, along the trip through nine European countries, one by one the Letters are delivered to them, in different and mysterious ways, so they can never see the messengers.

They receive the first Letter in Barcelona, and curiosity impels them to read it, making the logical query anyone would pose: “Do you think this Letter was really dictated by Christ?” But Jesus’s childhood and adolescence, with his brothers and sisters, are told in a very normal tone.

The same happens with his baptism, and how, after that, he went to the desert and there discovered the Laws of Existence, which allowed him to teach and perform his miracles.

Who could talk with such a property about facts that happened 2000 years ago?

Even so, the journalist and the psychologist forget the Letter as they continue their travel, facing some troubles because both of them like good things, but their budget is very tight, and sometimes they do not agree about what decision must be made. A second Letter comes in a little village on the border between Italy and France; another one in Milan, and so on. Still, the journalist doesn’t understand why the Letters are delivered precisely to her, a normal human being, and the young psychologist keeps her distrustful attitude, making question over question.

The dialogs and conversations usually take place on the trains they take to go from one city to the following one, always trying to save money, looking for cheap hotels and food.

Mother and daughter love each other, but both of them believe to be right about almost everything, so some tantrums happen. When they stroll along different countries, such as Hungary, Austria, or Turkey, marveled at the buildings, castles and people, trying to absorb all, they usually do not talk about the Letters… until a new one appears, delivered by… someone they never see.

The travel becomes more complicated as they cross on foot, and in fear, the border between Greece and Turkey, unable to understand the language, praying, praying, praying.

And the topics in the Letters also become more and more complex: our purpose in life, the electromagnetic force of the ego, the questions that modern scientist are not able to answer, the reincarnation… and the dialogs turn to be more and more sharp.

All the questions about the mystery are answered when they take the flight home: the journalist finds a printed email inside the airline’s magazine, asking her to share the contents of the Letters… in a book.

An Excerpt from Chapter Four:

In search of the Letters from Christ
by Albina Sabater

an excerpt from  Chapter 4

The Riviera… finally!

Honestly, I feel happy and calm on this train that heads to a place I have
wanted to see for years: the Riviera.
Maybe because I have seen it in many movies, or probably because it brings
me recollections of some past life, it’s wonderful for me to observe the sea,
when the coach happens to pass along sections that allow us to see it. The
waters are absolutely blue, under the resplendent Sun. It’s a trip of more than
four hours, with dreamy resorts along the way. On the hills that face the
water, there are beautiful little houses, with windows painted in hyacinth
colours. I enjoy absolutely everything, being grateful to God for this
spectacular gift. I try to fill my eyes with the beauty and tell Ithia to do the
same. At one moment, she asks me what more was said in the “supposed”
Letter from Christ, and I tell her that there was a strong emphasis on the
Creative Power of the Human Mind, so we must be careful about what we
think, or say, or do, because it can become real.
I start getting enthusiastic about this topic, but the train begins to stop. The
station is “Figueres”, so the sign says. Here we have to change to another line,
because we have left Spain and come to France. In spite of that, there is
neither a passport check nor customs control. We simply step off the modern
train where we are, and get on another, which looks pretty old. Inside, it’s
crowded. When I find a free seat, someone tells me it’s reserved, so we have
to stand for a long stretch. After a while, a lady gestures to me that the seat
beside her is now free. I sit down, and see that she is carrying a cat in a cage.
Intuitively, I speak to her in French, saying that her pet is nice.
“It’s a she”, she points out, and we start talking about pets and what good
company they are. I tell her I had a cat when I was a teenager, and that I
suffered very much when it dies, presumably poisoned by a neighbour. Having
spoken to her about this mishap, I accidentally open the key to her heart, and
she begins to tell me her worries for what it will happen to the cat when she,
its mistress, will be not in this world. She also says that she has taken the cat
to a psychologist vet, to see if he could prepare the cat for such a sad moment.
I try to be polite and not to judge, because the lady is single, has no children,
and apparently has given all her love to the cat. So, I listen to her attentively
and then tell her not to worry, because they still have a lot of time to be
together and to enjoy their mutual company, and that, in any case, they will
always have support, and everything will turn out in the best possible way. I
know that I have consoled her. And I suspect that some angel dictated me what
to express.

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